About Us

Educomplete Ltd’s ‘Educomps’ setting the trend in innovative education solutions.

Thank you for visiting our website it is our pleasure to introduce you to our  ‘solution-based’ approach, to meet and exceed your curriculum needs. Never before has education come under the glare of the national spot-light so strongly. ‘Edu-Comps’ offers an innovative way to close gaps, boost engagement and ignite a passion for learning in all your pupils. By connecting with ‘Educomps’ you will be giving every young person the opportunity to find and develop their talents. You will be able to inspire young minds via curriculum driven, national competitions and awards, whilst promoting and celebrating the strengths of your forward thinking school.

‘Educomps’ are the creation of primary specialists in the UK who have carefully chosen competition themes to ensure pupils connect with key areas of development;

  • STEM,
  • English Language and Literacy,
  • The Arts
  • Citizenship

The unique feature of the ‘Educomps’, is that it goes beyond regular ‘one-off’ competitions. It provides engaging content for lessons, promoting a growth mindset for participants and harnesses learning opportunities across the whole curriculum. The competition lessons can be easily adapted to support digital learning and parental engagement. The themes can also be used to support events, bringing the school community together. Alongside each competition pack there are teaching resources to ensure pupils make connections and develop skills across a range of subjects and experiences.

Signing up and participating with ‘Educomps’ will enable schools to build a profile; demonstrating either a focus on a key area of the curriculum or a representation of a broad and balanced learning environment.

Connecting with ‘Educomp’ will allow all children to find and develop their interests and talents. The upload and share element to this resource will deepen the pupils learning experiences and build self-esteem through the rewarding element to having their work published/ shared online.   

As Educomplete’s name suggests we hope to grow and offer so much more to teachers and education professionals. Over time our digital platform will provide access to a high quality educational blog, resources, webinars and CPD for all registered users. We look forward to you joining us on this journey.

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